Charles Battell Loomis
Charles Battell Loomis wrote many short, funny stories during the Golden Age
of American magazines. Most of them balanced charming characters and awkward situations in hilarious ways.
His stories hold up quite well nowadays. Mister Ron's personal favorite is Araminta and the Automobile , which he recorded twice.
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42 Charles Battell Loomis - Mr. Hay's Memory System -
43 Charles Battell Loomis - A Young Man's Choice of Profession
44 Charles Battell Loomis - The Gusher
45 Charles Battell Loomis - Araminta and the Automobile
46 Charles Battell Loomis - Songs of New York's Numbered Streets - 1897
314 Charles Battell Loomis - Truman Wickwire's Gloves - 1901
315 Charles Battell Loomis - The Man from Ochre Point, New Jersey - 1901
316 Charles Battell Loomis - Little Miss Fletterly's Dissertation on War - 1901
317 Charles Battell Loomis - An Eastern Easter - 1901
318 Charles Battell Loomis - A Man of Putty - 1900
323 Charles Battell Loomis - Araminta and the Automobile (re-recording) - 1903
403 Charles Battell Loomis - For Divers Reasons - 1901
404 Charles Battell Loomis - The Widow Callahan's Christmas Dinner - 1901
405 Charles Battell Loomis - Miss Flutterly on Politics and the Drama - 1904
406 Charles Battell Loomis - Poe's Raven in an Elevator - 1903
602 Charles Battell Loomis - Cheer Up! - Make Your Wife Happy - 1906
603 Charles Battell Loomis - Cheer Up! - Kindness Day - 1906
604 Charles Battell Loomis - Cheer Up! - Housecleaning - 1906
605 Charles Battell Loomis - Cheer Up! - Mystery Train - 1906
623 Slapstick Stories - Charles Battell Loomis - Mrs. Bidwell's Tea - 1902
740 Charles Battell Loomis - The Piano - 1905
741 Charles Battell Loomis - The Story of Jacob Holtite - 1905
742 Charles Battell Loomis - A Breakfast Story - 1905
743 Charles Battell Loomis - Boys and Talking Machines - 1905
746 Charles Battell Loomis - Bringing Home Dinner Guests - 1905
747 Charles Battell Loomis - Anybody Can Grow Up to be President - 1905
748 Charles Battell Loomis - The Easter Newspaper Story - 1905
749 Charles Battell Loomis - The Gusher - 1905
773 Charles Battell Loomis - Cheer Up! - Forget It - 1906
774 Charles Battell Loomis - Cheer Up! - Our Advertising Heritage - 1906
775 Charles Battell Loomis - Cheer Up! - Sweet Violets Part One - 1906
776 Charles Battell Loomis - Cheer Up! - Sweet Violets Part Two - 1906
1119 Charles Battell Loomis - A Calculating Bore - 1899
1193 Charles Battell Loomis - The Boy Who Turned Books Into Food - 1900
1194 Charles Battell Loomis - Five Hundred Dollars - 1902
1195 Charles Battell Loomis - The Poets Strike - 1906
1196 Charles Battell Loomis - Politeness As an Asset - 1909
1368 Charles Battell Loomis - A Bath in an English Tub - 1907
1369 Charles Battell Loomis - Thank You - 1907
1370 Charles Battell Loomis - Tea Time - 1907
1371 Charles Battell Loomis - Our Way and the British - 1907
1440 Charles Battell Loomis - A Peculiar Industry - 1899
1441 Charles Battell Loomis - Buffum's Bustless Buffers - 1899
1442 Charles Battell Loomis - An Urban Game - 1899
1443 Charles Battell Loomis - A New Use for Horses - 1899
1463 Charles Battell Loomis - The Father of Santa Claus - 1899
1601 Charles Battell Loomis - Once 'Round the Links - 1900
1602 Charles Battell Loomis - The Confession of a Suburbanite - 1909
1603 Charles Battell Loomis - The Lady of the Museum Steps - 1907
1604 Charles Battell Loomis - The Price of a Pass - 1905
1638 Charles Battell Loomis - A Puzzling Subject - 1904
1654 Charles Battell Loomis - Pass It Along - 1908
1655 Charles Battell Loomis - Mixed Pickles - 1908
1656 Charles Battell Loomis - On Keeping Young - 1908
1657 Charles Battell Loomis - On Venting One's Spleen - 1908
1733 Charles Battell Loomis - Littleton's First Pink Tea - 1897
1734 Charles Battell Loomis - The Four-Masted Cat-Boat - 1898
1735 Charles Battell Loomis - Jack and Jill as Walt Whitman Might Have Written It - 1889
1736 Charles Battell Loomis - The Perils of Versatility - 1896
1846 Charles Battell Loomis - The Deception of Martha Tucker - 1901
All of the stories in Mister Ron's Basement are indexed on the Catalog Page at: